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Opis książki
Court Martial is Sven Hassel's darkest novel and a shocking insight into the cruelty the Nazi regime inflicted on its own people. Sven Hassel and his comrades are fighting on the Finnish front, facing an arctic winter more ferocious than anything they've ever known. But if they survive, they face shipment to Torgau Prison—the center of Hitler's penal system—where deserters, convicts, and anyone showing anti-Nazi sentiments are imprisoned and punished. This could mean arrest, court-martial, and execution. Or it could mean torture and starvation. Court Martial is Sven Hassel's darkest novel and a shocking insight into the cruelty the Nazi regime inflicted on its own people.
Za ten produkt nie ma punktów lojalnościowych
- Autor
- Rok
- 2014
- Format książki
- 195 x 130 mm
- Ilość stron
- 320
- Okładka
- miękka
- Stan ogólny
- Bardzo dobry
Specyficzne kody
- 9781780228136
- EAN13
- 84938251
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